Cask Keg - 4.5 Gal / 20.5L - 304 Stainless Steel
$186.99 186.99

Designed for serving cask-style real ale, this stainless steel keg is ideal for both home and commercial use. Cask ale is known to have very specific requirements for its storage and conditioning, and this cask keg meets all these requirements perfectly.

What Is Cask Ale?

Cask ale (also known as “real ale” or “cask-conditioned beer”) is made from 4 natural ingredients:

  • Water
  • Malted barley
  • Hops
  • Yeast

Unlike keg beers or light lagers which are usually pasteurized or sterile-filtered and ready to serve right out of the keg, cask ales are fermented twice: first in the brewery and then in the cellar of a pub. Cask ales need to be vented, tapped, and conditioned by the cellar manager.

Cask Ale Keg Advantages

This cask ale keg is an ideal choice for both homebrewers and pub owners due to its:

  • ergonomic design
  • light weight
  • anti-corrosion protection

It is made entirely of beverage-grade AISI 304 stainless steel and is fully passivated for a clean, sanitary surface.

Used by brewers from all over the world, this stainless steel pin cask will make a great addition to your brewing setup and ensure countless gallons of unpasteurized, naturally carbonated cask ale.

Stainless Steel Cask Keg Specifications

If you are looking for solid stainless steel casks for sale, look no further than this model. Here are some of the specifications worth noting:

Items 4.5 Gallon  
Material SUS 304  
Overall Height (Unit: mm) 390±2  
Diameter of Chimes (Unit: mm) a250±2  
Weight(Unit:kg) 6.6kg±5%  
Volume (Unit: litre) 20.46±0.2L  
Thickness of Material Chimes (Unit: mm) 1.7  
Body (Unit: mm) 1.5  
Loading Quantity PalletPackage (OnePallet) 42PCS