FOB Controller, DUAL FOB detector
$200.00 200
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This double beer FOB is a perfect time-saving and beer-saving tool that will ensure a continuous, uninterrupted beer pouring experience for both you and your patrons.

The way a dual foam on beer detector works is rather straightforward: since it is attached to two kegs, when one line gets empty, the other one starts working immediately.

This provides a continuous flow of beer and keeps the supply lines going at all times. Having a FOB detector also allows you to change the empty keg and replace it with a new one while the second one is working. On the serving end, it goes completely unnoticed for the patrons who never have to wait for beer.

Dual FOB Controller/Detector Features

  • Dual FOB with two chambers
  • Easy to install and disassemble for cleaning
  • Suitable for both CO2 and mixed gas dispensing systems

If you are looking for a good-quality FOB controller for sale in Canada and the USA, get yours today from Beverage Craft! We always provide the best value for our products.